Secretary's report April to May 2018



19 April: Consultation and questionnaire for Community Councils and Neighbourhood Partnerships which can be accessed using this link -

The link is open for contributions and the Consultation period has been extended but will close on 29 April


25 April: email from, about a consultation report summarising the findings of the consultation and the Council’s responses to them:



Emails sent etc

1.     April 10: Email to police asking for information about the incident on Feb. 20th in Rankeillor St., and about the rules for parking on the pavement, and specifically about driving across the pavement to park on it.

2.     To SCC members:

3.     April 10: To re pallets (suggesting that a flyer for shops telling them about SHRUB might be helpful). They replied that they cannot store such items so cannot do this.

4.     Reported to planning enforcement the covering of shop windows at Mov8 and Superior Oriental grocery. No reply.

5.     Emailed the police about parking on pavements, and specifically outside “Kung-Fu Monkey” near W. Preston St., Newington Road junction. On April 24, replied that he is keeping an eye on this and will continue to do so after the road works end.



Emails received

April 11th: Notice of three projects

-          Edinburgh’s Transport Strategy which is being reviewed to determine fit-for-purpose transport and mobility policies and actions for our city, 

-          Central Edinburgh Transformation which concerns the future development of central Edinburgh and its public realm, and 

-          the development of a Low Emission Zone aimed at improving air quality by keeping the most polluting vehicles out of the most polluted places.

And workshops in the City Chambers (European Room – High Street) To attend, email yy the end of Monday 30 April


April 11th: From Sarah Burns: re proposed timetable for walkabouts

·       1 walkabout will be held within each Community Council area per year., not during December, July and August (unless that is the preferred month for any Community Council)

·       The Community Council will be given a lead contact and a proposed month in which their walkabout would take place - Community Council can identify the date, area and key issues they would like to cover during walkabout.

·       Lead contact would make arrangements to have relevant partners and services in attendance and will let ward Councillors know when the walkabout is taking place if they wish to participate

·       Short report would be written up after the walkabout and reported back to the Community Council, with actions agreed.

·       Primary purpose of the walkabout would be to identify deliverable actions that can be taken forward to improve the quality of life for people who live in the area with reference to the priorities set out in the Locality Improvement Plan  – improving residents’ feeling of safety, wellbeing, pride in the area, and environmental improvements.

April 12: Notice and agenda for EACC Meeting - Thursday 19th April 2018

  1.  The impact of Schools proposals on communities
  2. Locality committees – first impressions
  3. Internet Banking & BACs payments
  4. Spatial Policy – Workshops – EACC's view
  5. Tram consultation – responses
  6. Participatory Budgeting – Where to from here?
  7. What do Community Councils want from this association?

May 02: Tommy Sheppard’s newsletter (forwarded to SCC members).


From East Parkside Proprietors' Association

1.     4 April:  photograph of an offensive fly-poster on a street pole in St Leonard's Street on Thursday last week that was removed. A web search suggested that the subject "Thierry Jaspart" is most likely a Belgian artist but gave no indication why there should a fly-posting campaign to denigrate his work.

2.     13 April:  Photograph of a poster that was attached to the reverse side of two of the traffic bollards in Holyrood Park Road

3.     17 April: photograph of the Flexi Store advertising trailer that is still "parked" in Holyrood Park Road. Its arrival was reported on 9 April 2018 (first below), but it is still there, large as life and twice as ugly. Further complaint on May 2nd that, after THREE full weeks the City of Edinburgh Council has still done nothing about it. 


5.     20 April: Photographs of posters attached to the railings at the pedestrian crossings in Holyrood Park Road about a commercial event, the Woodland Dance Project.